Saturday, November 04, 2006

Selfish Advocacy.

Every once in a while I come across a person that is advocating for their child. And I spot them a mile away. They are selfish advocates. A selfish advocate is someone who seeks glory out of advocating for his or child, for the attention. As a result the child suffers at the hand of the parents attention seeking. I have seen this many times, and frankly it up sets me.

When I started the idea for a BC book and I merged with Kathy I was more then willing to give any control. She was wonderful and I knew it the moment I heard her voice. This lady is going to make my dream a reality. And she did in more ways then I could have ever guessed. You see my dream was not to be famous for editing a book that told the joys of Down syndrome it was to make a difference. And to me this book is making a difference so the dream is alive and well.

There are women and men that would have never done that. Given it up for the greater good. I know my limitations and I know with out Kathy this could not have happened so fast, and gone so far. With her unselfish dedication and willingness to include so many on her project and then give everyone else the credit when it was truly her vision that got us where we are today is amazing. We alll did our parts, Carla, Joel, Tara, and Rebecca were generous with their time and dedication and never ask for anything in return. These wonderful women are what UNSELFISH Advocay is about. I am so proud to call myself their friend and co worker on this wonderful endvevor.

I really can not deal with the person who is always me and I, even when other people are involved. I feel when you are dealing with Down syndrome there is no Me or I we are all in it as group a family together. I have no room for selfish advocacy in my life, none. I need to fill my space with people who realize the greater good of our kids is more important then any fame and fortune we could achieve because of them.

Let us remember that our children all of them are special and for whatever reason we were blessed with them. It so easy to get caught up in the me and I in this. Make it your calling to advocate for them. But remember you are advocating for them not for yourself.