Thursday, February 08, 2007

Just Too Much

Today I got an email from another mom that had a child with Down syndrome. She said all kinds of horrible things. My first response was anger of course, the second was hurt, the third was pitty.

I pitty her because she apparently has no life of her own if all she has time to do is pick apart mine. She did not like that Bryan scored very high on his testing. I thought we were supposed to be happy when good things happen and sad and pray for the other when it is not so good.

I have been through a lot recently not that she cared. I was under the impression that I belonged to a special group of women that shared the same goal. Yes there are some I will always call my friend but now I know some I never will. I will always respect them as a mother of a special needs child but condsider them my friend no. I will pray for them that whatever bitterness they feel will go away. I use to keep my guard up not get too close to people. Well my son changed that for me until now.

Personally I think my son has taught me a great deal about patience and understanding and to accept my children and people for who they are. I don't think her son taught her any of that and that is truly sad.