Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Family Update

Kevin is doing so wonderful in school. He has received a 100% on every spelling test and got 14.5 out of 15 right on his very first math test.

I am so proud of him. The teacher tells me he is gifted and would not be surprised if he entered the gifted program next year. He is like a little sponge that one. He talks about everything including current news events.

He is also a prayer. He is still praying for Katrina Victims and Victims of the tsunami. He knows the second half of grace they say in school by heart. I have never seen a 6 year old pray and understand his faith the way he does. In fact he yelled at me for going to church at 7:00 am on Sunday with out the family. I have been doing this because we are busy. But he knows we never miss mass and is very anxious to get back.

Danny is doing wonderfully too. For a child that has ADD is is basically supposed to be in 2nd grade and is in 3rd (his birthday is the end of November), he is very smart as well the teacher said. He just can not sit still. However, I do not believe in medication and will not do it as long as he is doing well academically. He is playing the Flute in band and doing a very good job at it I might add, he is also earning a lot more badges with Cub Scouts and wants to be an egale scout one day. He too is doing quite well with religion and loves to go to mass on Sunday now that he can receive his communion. But he would rather watch Danny phantom then pray unlike Kevin Tyler who would rather pray.

Bryan is doing really well. He has the croup right now but has not been sick a day since the spring so I can not complain really. For a kid with Down syndrome he is doing really well with the illnesses. He is started to try to take steps, and is saying words and signing a lot of different signs now. His therapists love him and in school they tell me he has scored on the typical level cognitively now since school started which is amazing. His speech is behind a typical 20 month old, and he still has a few little OT issues, and of course his gross motor delays are the biggest problem right now. But other than that he is doing well. His teachers are very impressed by him.
I am right where I was last year. A busy little bee, PTA President again this year, den mother and I still have my Lions Club. I miss the big time salaryfrom being a Vice President but I love my little job at the High School in the cafeteria. It is fun the kids and the ladies are great and I am being taught to fill in for the big cook when she is out. Oh and of course the book Gifts. It will be out very soon and I am so excited. I thank God I met Kathryn and she was able to pull this off. I know it is going to be a smash hit!

Kevin is doing well with work and is still on the school board and is doing his charity work for the Knights of Columbus. His good friend is the head honcho for the next two years so Kevin was roped into chairing the Santa Party for the kids this year.

Oh yeah Kevin spoke at Church last month to raise money for Special Olympics for the Knights of Columbus. He was a smash hit. They raised more money when he spoke then any other speaker a whopping $678.00. I am so proud of that. A few weeks later Bryan and Kevin were invited to his friends installation dinner so all the members could meet my darling little boy.

I will update the family post next week.